World Adventure Week 2022

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Postitusi: 3162
Liitunud: 21 Nov 2010, 22:55
Tsikkel: 2x XL600V, DT125R, DRZ-E
Asukoht: Tartu
Tänanud: 64 korda
Tänatud: 336 korda

Re: World Adventure Week 2022

Lugemata postitus Postitas ranel » kirjutas: 10 Apr 2022, 09:08
Päev 2.
Kõrguste vahe 890m.
Suvaline küngas sobib, sõita tuleb lihtsalt palju kordi.
See annab sulle 250 punkti ja võimalue osaleda selle päeva auhindade loosimisel.
Originaal ütleb midagi muud
Head uphill or downhill, depending on where you start from, in your quest to ride through a point where elevation is 890 meters above sea level. So, find the nearest hill or deep valley, and remember to track your progress on the RISER app. Based on your elevation profile, the app will automatically assign you with an added 250 points and an entry into the daily prize draw.

What does it mean to reach 890m of altitude?
The aim of the challenge is to record a trip with RISER where you reach a place that is 890 m above sea level. Whether you start at a higher place and then drive into the valley or from the valley into the mountains is entirely up to you - the only important thing is that you reach 890 m above sea level.
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